Even though agriculture has decreased significantly, people still need food to eat, vegetables should be grown and the sustenance cannot be without any of these. Agriculture is still required and very essential even today. There are a numerous methods of farming that are being practiced in different parts of world. However, one of the best techniques used in agriculture which I liked the most is the concept of the organic farming. A definition on organic farming states, ‘Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved.’ From the above definition we can derive a lot of points and we know for a fact that it is not that easy to maintain a field through the process of organic farming. Today, most of the farmers use synthetic fertilizers and chemicals in their lands. However, organic farming also uses fertilizers and pesticides, but not synthetic fertilizers.

Organic farming is considered one of the oldest methods of farming, hence known to be traditional. During the olden days the chemicals and fertilizers were not available. The farmers did not have a choice to use fertilizers in their lands. Hence, whatever process was followed was almost organic farming. This practiced is followed in very few places even today. The most important of all, organic agriculture has more value than any other farming techniques, today. This organic farming has brought in many concepts and guidelines. The farmers who follow this technique or in other words farmers who adhere to the strict rules of organic agriculture are being awarded. The concept is very important because the organic farming does not harm the natural environment and still stay productive.

Let’s look at some of the benefiting points that are used during this process. The main intention of practicing the organic farming is to maintain the fertility of the soil and in proper structures. The organic farming gets its manures and fertilizers from the crop wastes and animal manures. We would have seen in most cases that people use cow dung as animal manure to maintain their fields. In most fields you will find composite pits dug where the animal manure such as cow dung are accumulated. This is a long process, however and just one time work in many cases. From the pit the animal manure is circulated throughout the fields. This not only helps the plants, but the soil as well. The crop wastes occur very naturally, it is a process that takes place throughout the year. The plants or the tress in the fields shed their leaves normally all through the year and more during the autumn. The act of sheding leaves serves as manure for the soil. This is not only for organic farming; however, it is a natural process everywhere. However, some amount of maintenance is also required during this process.
There are also many other techniques used, while practicing this concept. The soil requires the right kind of cultivation at a specified time. For this the fundamentals of the farming plays a major role and hence a thorough research is required while executing this. The simplest of all is that, in a particular place, there can be different kinds of crops that can be grown in different seasons. The seasonal crops grow only during the particular season. First of all we need to know which crops grow well in a particular region during a particular season. When we know this it becomes really easy for us to rotate the crops during the season and thereby maintain the soil structures in place. We get plenty of information through the internet on the concept of organic farming. I find this topic really interesting and hence spend a lot of time browsing my internet powered by Verizon FiOS Internet.

Stuart is freelance writer who specializes on topics about agriculture. He spends time browsing through his internet powered by Verizon FiOS Internet gathering information. As a writer, he wants to share some information on Organic Farming.

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