Many people that live in the country already know how helpful and useful chickens are. The newest movement of owning chickens in the city is creating a boom in chicken and coop sales. Most people that have backyard chickens like to know that the chickens they are raising are not only productive, but can be great pets as well. This article will cover some of the basics of chickens, especially the breed known as Araucana.
This breed of chicken has been around for many years and has earned the reputation of one to own. This fowl has been noted as far back as the sixteenth century and is noted to come to America not long after that. The first notes about these chickens were made by Ferdinand Magellan when he took a trip around the world. He got the chickens from the Guarani Indians which were closely related to the Araucana tribe. This tribe is where the fowl got their name.
Later in the 1880s they were on record to be raised by the Indians for which they received their name. There is no doubt that these chickens have been around for many centuries and have very unique qualities that make them stand out from the rest of the fowl that many used in the past. When the ancestors from Spain did their exploring and traveling, they often took their fowl with them. This allowed them to spread across the American lands and allowed for many types of cross breeds that are still known. To this day, the chickens are known for their unusual appearance and egg color. They are one of the most common types of rumples chickens in the United States and other countries that enjoy raising chickens, either for pets or for eggs.
A rumpless chicken is easy to spot, they do not have the normal feathers around their back ends the way most chickens have. Many confuse the Americana chickens to be an Araucana, but that type of chicken is lacking the rumpless feathers that make them a truly unique chicken.
One aspect about their appearance is the fact that they do not have the long feathers on their backs the way some chickens do. This is known as rumpless and it is a very distinct trait of a pure bred. Many mistake the Americana as a pure bred, but they rarely show the rumpless trait.
Another trait to the pure bred is the color of eggs produced by this type of chicken. They lay one of the truest colors of eggs and they range from blue to turquoise. There are only two different colors of eggs, blue is one, white is another. If the eggs are brown or green, it means that they have a natural brown overlay over a blue or white egg.
Another trait to the pure bred is the tuffs around its ears. These tuffs of feathers are very easy to see and may be visible on other breeds as well.
When raising chickens as pets or for egg production, this breed is a very good choice. The color of the eggs laid by them will amaze your family and friends. To find them, you need to find a hatchery or someone that has some that they have bred.
Mor information about the Araucana chicken and a chicken coops to keep your breeds can be found at
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