Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens

Chickens Breeds

Floor Tile Layout – How to Project the Tile Pattern by Method of Dry Laying – Direction of Laying

There are obvious reasons for dry laying preparation of floor tiles, and although it may seem like a time consuming task at first, it will actually benefit you on the overall time spent on your floor tile project. If you have the tile pattern all figured out in advance, then once you begin to spread your mortar, you should be able to keep going at a continuous rate when laying floor tiles.

Realistically, you don’t want to stop midway through tile laying into wet mortar, otherwise you may find that it is drying out before you get the chance actually… Continue reading

Raising Chickens – Things You Can Do While Raising Young Chickens : laying chickens

When you get older chickens, they do not need you to take care of them. I mean to say that you still have to address a few things, but you can mostly leave them hands free.

Comparing raising chicks that are just out of the egg and those that are about a month in age can bring up some great differences. Chicks that are a month or so old are starting to show feathers and a larger size than younger chicks. You can even look into hatchery purchased chicks.

You still have to take care of their temperature and food,… Continue reading

Chicken coops and space for your chickens

Chickens need to have their own space and the in the chicken coops no exception. Chickens outdoors need at least 2 square feet and it is really important that you pay attention to this as chickens can become unsettles if they are overcrowded and pecking may occur. If pecking occurs birds can quickly lose their feathers and this in extreme cases can be fatal, it can also cause hens to stop laying and become isolated from the flock.

Chicken coops also need to be spacious and big enough to house the amount of chickens you are going to keep. … Continue reading

How To Keep Pet Chickens

Who needs a tiny purse dog, or a hairless alien-looking cat, when you can keep pet chickens? No were not joking! Chickens actually make lovable and charming pets and are becoming much more popular at pets, as more is discovered about these birds.

A recent study shows that chickens apparently demonstrate self-control, which was a quality that was previously only thought possible in primates and humans. They are also believed to anticipate the future and even worry. Chickens are intelligent animals and are also very sociable creatures. They are excellent problem solvers, sometimes ranking in cognitive abilities above those of… Continue reading

How to Hatch Your Own Chickens

Hatching chickens yourself is actually much easier than many people think. Apart from saving yourself the expense of buying chickens, you get to witness first hand the wonder of eggs hatching into chicks and observe then develop into fully grown chickens. There are essentially two methods of hatching chickens.

The artificial method involves putting the eggs into an incubator. You need to ensure that your incubator is producing a steady temperature. You need to ensure some humidity within the incubator by putting a cup of water inside. The humidity needs to be increased for the last few days just prior… Continue reading

Treats For Your Chickens

Just like you and me, chickens love having little treats to keep them happy and motivated to keep on fighting the good fight.  So go out and buy your chickens a box of chocolates or maybe a nice big cake.  Just kidding, your chickens’ treats are not the same as our treats.  So instead of buying them candy and sweets, your chickens will love you when you give them some different vegetables and fruits.  I will run down a little list of great treats you can give your chickens to keep them happy with you.

Apples… Continue reading

Laying Out Your Recessed Lighting

Lay out of a plan is the most important step in the designing, or rebuilding of the house. A plan does not include only the planning of rooms; it also includes the plan for electrical and sanitary, plumbing fixtures, kitchen and supplies. Plus, it also provides a path for the interior dcor of the premises.

Decide the type of electrical fixtures to be induced and then lay out the sources, for example material and design of ceilings and additions on the walls. But in case if the decision favors for the recessed lights then determine how they have to be… Continue reading