Because of the wide variety of chickens available to raise, it is necessary to establish exactly what you want to use your chickens for. People all over the word raise flocks for meat and egg production, or for as pets and to show in competitions. If you’re looking for good egg layer chicken breeds, there are a few things to consider.

Firstly, all chickens lay eggs. However, not all chickens are considered productive egg layers. Along those lines, some chickens are good egg layers, but do not have the mild temperament necessary for raising small flocks in your backyard. If you are interested in raising a small flock in your backyard, it’s important to consider not just how a chicken looks, or the color egg it lays, but also how it will behave in its new environment.

Commercially speaking, Anconas and Hamburgs are two of the oldest and most popular breeds of chickens for laying, and typically lay white colored eggs. However, these breeds may not be suited for backyard raising, mostly because they have an unpredictable temperament, can be nervous, and are not easy to tame. Consider these facts before investing in a flock of these birds.

Brown egg layers are the most popular for small flocks and backyard egg production, because birds that lay brown eggs are milder mannered than others, and do well in smaller areas. Try a Hubbard Isa Brown flock, because these are some of the most popular fowl to raise for brown egg production. On the other hand, New Hampshire Red and Rhode Island Red chickens are also good options because they are active layers, but with a calmer temperament.

Other breeds that are great for egg laying include the Minorca, Orloff, Penedesenca, White Faced Black Spanish chicken, Campine, and the Easter Egger.

The Easter Egger will lay blue and green eggs of beautiful shades.

Some people choose to raise chickens that can be used for both egg and meat production. If this is the case, consider raising a flock of Jersey Giants, Iowa blues, Derbyshire Redcaps, Brahmas, Buckeyes, or even a flock of California Gray chickens. All these breeds are excellent for egg production as well as meat consumption.

Do you know how you can tell the color of egg a layer chicken breed will lay? Examine the skin next to the bird’s ear. If the skin is red, that chicken will typically lay green or blue eggs. On the other hand, if the skin is white, that bird will likely lay white eggs. Naturally, those with reddish brown skin patches will probably lay brown eggs.

Before you begin raising a flock, consider how big of a space you can devote to your layer chicken breeds. How many eggs do you expect to use a day? Do you plan to pasture your birds and let them graze freely, or will you keep them in a coop? Deciding these key factors before you invest in a flock will ensure a healthy flock that produces nutritious eggs for you and your family.


Make sure you do your homework in regard to getting the best egg layer chicken breeds . You will want to get the one that has the best personality if you and your family really want to have fun raising hens that lay eggs.

Different breeds of chickens have very different behaviors. Here we discuss our experience with different breeds and offer advice for your flock. For more in…
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