No one ever said it was easy to build chicken coops.  You have an endless amount of designs to choose from, and you have very specific needs.  Perhaps you have a small yard, or your current chicken coop is overcrowded.  When you own a chicken coop, these are all problems you must consider.

Oftentimes, the coops available in stores don’t have exactly what you want.  They are too big or too small.  And though you may have a limited amount of time, deciding to build chicken coops may be your best option.  So where do you begin, when nothing appeals to you?  How do you know exactly how to build your own coop?

Shop around

The first step to building chicken coops is to know what you want.  Browse the web and visit hardware stores.  Measure the coops they have available.  Use these measurements to give you an idea of what is out on the market.  This will give you an idea of what size chicken coop would fit into your yard.  Once you’ve collected measurements, look into different designs, noting what patterns and extras appeal to you and meet your chickens’ needs.


Before you decide to build chicken coops, it is important to note the advantages and disadvantages of building a coop from scratch. You will need to make sure the coop is raised high enough that chickens cannot escape at will.  You will also need to make sure that you build the coop in a place where it will not be affected by severe weather conditions, according to websites.  One advantage to building your own chicken coop is that you can do it for less than $ 100.00. 


Building chicken coops, for the most part, requires a lot of thought and consideration.  Websites say that chickens really do want to live in a comfortable environment-one in which they have room to move ad live peacefully.  There are a number of benefits to building chicken coops that give chickens enough room to move.  Chickens with coops large enough to accommodate them are typically happier than chickens that live in cramped quarters.  Chickens with enough room typically produce more eggs.

But before you rush into the endeavor of building chicken coops, you will need to figure out how much security your chickens will need.  If you have a lot of animals and threatening pets in your neighborhood, you will need to build a chicken coop with added security.  This may mean building more secure doors, so your chickens stay inside the coop.  Also, make sure it is sealed tight enough that outside predators cannot get in.

Rob Hillman is a Chicken Coop enthusiast, to find out more about Chicken Coops, please visit

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