Who should give wakeup call to the corporate and wake them up to reality? Who should accelerate speed of the corporate in tune with the speed of time?  Obviously, the leaders should do that. The question then would be who is that leader responsible for the above job?  A true leader never wait for others to endorse or testify him/her actions and never bother about what others are doing than about his/her own responsibilities and what they are suppose to do. 


Do such leaders exist in nature so that one can look at the example and enhance the understanding about the leadership dimensions and its responsibilities in the best way possible?


To learn about how the leaders should be and should behave one may have to travel from the fabulous fallacy of the corporate to a village farm land or a poultry farm.  Every villager would daily wakeup with the wakeup call of a rooster in the village. The bird rooster used to keep a very majestic gait and posture before it makes the crowing sound.  It is a very common feature in most villages.


The crowing sound will be very laud and audible to the entire village.  The people are reminded of the arrival of the day and their responsibilities. Roosters only send the message of the ‘day has dawn’ to the entire village.  


When rooster wakeup, immediately it give a wakeup call to others.  It never waits for any reward or appreciation for its job.  The first dimension about the leadership is that they own the responsibility of waking up others in the organization or in their cohort. 


The second leadership trait we can learn from the rooster is all about how leaders should discharges their responsibility.  When it gives a wakeup crowing sound to others, it keeps itself very majestic, tall and presents a highly empowered stature.  The wakeup call can also be given in a subservient manner.  But the rooster never prefers to do so proving how a leader should be and it is a leader indeed. 


The third dimension about the leaders is that they should continuously give wakeup call to the members and never stop the above as one time affair.  They should continuously exhibit their leadership responsibilities and establish time and again they are the leaders. 


Corporate leaders should inculcate the true and charismatic leadership qualities from the rooster in a village.  Only when they show unadulterated leadership traits, people around them would follow them with reverence & respect and not with fear & frustration. 


Every individual has to emerge out as leaders and they should never wait for others to coronate them or baptize them as leaders.  No leaders can ever and never be created by the above process.  Discover the quiescent leadership qualities in you show your responsibilities without any expectation and continue to be a ‘leader ruler’ and ‘leader rules’. 


Dr S Ranganathan, Director, ClinRise Derma Pvt., Ltd., Chennai

Herbruck's Poultry Ranch: Egg Farm Hen House