Betting on horse races has become extremely popular with the growth of the Internet. In past decades horse racing enthusiasts who were not able to attend races were forced to place their bets through a middle man often referred to as a “bookie”. These bookies established the system of “laying bets” which is a term used to refer to the practice of betting on which horse you think will lose. This practice of “laying a bet” which is taken by bookies helps to establish the odds on various horses.

Many individuals who now use the Internet to bet on horse races have continued the practice of laying bets. For many it is simpler to determine which horses will lose rather than deciding which horses will win. If you are new to horse racing betting it is important to remember that laying a bet is not an easy task. There are still things to keep in mind and most successful betters have established their own special laying system that helps them pick which horses to bet money on.

The first thing you should keep in mind when getting ready to lay a bet is that you should never bet more money than you can afford to lose. Many new horse racing gamblers make the mistake of betting large amounts of money resulting in even larger losses. In an effort to recoup these losses the new gambler will bet an even larger amount of money in the next race. Instead of falling into this trap bet an amount of money that you can comfortably afford to lose. The goal is to win even more than you bet but you should be prepared to deal with a “worst case scenario”. Even after you establish a laying system you should still bet only what you can afford to lose because everyone runs into a streak of bad luck at some point or another.

Secondly, always research the horses, the jockeys, the trainers, and the course.

Even though you are betting in a loser you have to do some research to make sure you actually pick a loser. Do not assume that laying a bet is just a matter of picking the horse with the worst odds. By that logic picking a winning horse is simply a matter of choosing the horse with the best odds. Take some time and find out everything you can about the horse you are planning to lay a bet on.

Third, remember that you do not have to bet on each race you come along. If you win a race be proud, record your system, and try again a little later. When you lose take a moment, figure out what went wrong, and then try again. Do not just jump into the next race with a slightly modified losing laying system. Work out what went wrong before you risk losing even more money.

Making money through laying bets is possible and can be extremely profitable. However, it is important that you prepare yourself for the occasional loss of money and some hard work to gain it back. Picking a loser takes a bit of a work so do not expect to get rich quick with no work. Finding your own winning laying system will take time and probably a little bit of money too.

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