Your Very Own Chicken Coop

Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens

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This is a modern era and there are several things that have changed completely over the years. People have found new ways to get their work done and it is not surprising to see that a lot of things have now changed completely. It does not only end with Technology as our daily lives have also been affected by this change. People are now more into doing things the easy way. Nobody wants to have a lot of trouble and people look for ways that would make their work for them less difficult and less time consuming.… Continue reading

Raising Chickens – Things You Can Do While Raising Young Chickens : laying chickens

When you get older chickens, they do not need you to take care of them. I mean to say that you still have to address a few things, but you can mostly leave them hands free.

Comparing raising chicks that are just out of the egg and those that are about a month in age can bring up some great differences. Chicks that are a month or so old are starting to show feathers and a larger size than younger chicks. You can even look into hatchery purchased chicks.

You still have to take care of their temperature and food,… Continue reading

Why You Should Consider Raising Chickens in Your Backyard : chicken farm

Even though most of us do not live on a farm these days, if we have a backyard, we can have backyard chickens. That is, of course, if the area you live in does not have restrictions against “livestock”. Many areas are changing their ordinances to allow homeowners to have chickens. The economic times that we are living with today seems to be moving people back to the “land”, in the forms of gardening and having chickens.

Chickens are not to fussy, but they do need safe, comfortable digs. You can easily build your own chicken coop with just a… Continue reading

Learn Great Tips About Poultry Incubators To Help Your Business Blossom

If you are into the business of hatching eggs, then finding a great poultry incubator should be first on your to-do list. This will be the best instrument that will help you succeed and bloom in the egg-hatching business.

There are a lot of factors to consider when you have your sights on poultry incubators. If you are just starting out, or want to start out, then you can use this article to gain great tips on knowing what you need to look for when choosing an incubator that can help your business.

There are many factors that help lead… Continue reading

Gain More Income Through Solar Farming

It is difficult to gain income from farming, especially in the challenging climatic extremes of Australia, and many farmers in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Queensland have been struggling to be able to maintain their traditional farming revenue streams.  Fortunately there are some other income generating possibilities from their vast stretches on land, usually with many buildings, and an exciting new one is solar farming.

So what is Solar Farming exactly?  Solar farming is when a medium solar panel grid (5 -10kW’s depending on your state allowances) is installed on private property, either on available roof… Continue reading

Easy to Build Chicken Coops – Tips To Make One

There are various tips that make it very easy to build chicken coops, be it in your backyard or in your farm. These ideas can save you a lot of future trouble and simplify the whole process considerably. Let’s discuss these points in brief.

Proper Planning Before You Start

Start the venture by chalking out a plan. The plan should include various points like how many chickens it is supposed to house, the number of waterers and feeders required, if the location will allow enough sunlight, and the safety of the coop. Consider the other similar points that will affect… Continue reading

Easter Eggs

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

The older I get, the less current holidays mean to me… and the more those from years, even decades ago. I see the vivid Easter displays; (these days pharmacies seem to have the most and largest.) But these festive aisles and windows, the bags of candy, and, of course, the seasonal cuddlies do not speak to me. They merely mark the calendar as just another day.

That was not always the case, but years and unrelenting death have so thinned the ranks of the significant players in these annual rites that the dead now significantly outnumber… Continue reading