Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Build a Backyard Chicken Coop

You have decided to construct a handy chicken coop and breed a number of chickens. However, you want to stay away from spending too much funds on the construction preparations, equipments and materials. You already searched everywhere for free handy portable preparations but still end up with nothing.

A typical individual would shell out more than $ 500 on chicken coop, and believe it or not, that is the minimum approximation. Truth is, if you purchase a single pre-assembled chicken coop, it would cost you more than $ 1000, and that is really a lot of money just for one… Continue reading

Chicken Coop Building Plans – Easy to Follow Instructions For Backyard Chicken Coops

What is the basic function of a chicken coop? Any chicken coop built has a main goal to serve as a home for you beloved new pets, so it is of some importance on the design and layout of your backyard chicken coop.

While many people choose to purchase a all ready built coop, there is an alternative that gives you the power of choice. Choice as in size, location, design, color, choice of pretty much everything, and who doesn’t like choices? My recommendation would be to build one suited for your needs, your interested, and your convenience.

Many factors… Continue reading

Getting Your Own Backyard Chicken Coop And Raising Chickens For Meat And Eggs: A wonderful household activity

So you want to start your own chicken coop and are wondering how or where to start. Do not worry, as this write up is intended to solely support you with your predicament.
The very best way to start your chicken farm would be to get young chicks, so you are able to watch how they grow which is vital if you are a 1st time farmer. You do not need to go to each single hatchery in order to come across the most effective chicks for the reason that it’s also possible to order on the web from a… Continue reading

Backyard Chickens Raising Tips to Remember

Before you commit yourself into an exciting endeavor of backyard raising chickens, there are a lot of key points to take into consideration for chickens raising. You need to clearly define the purpose of your flock prior to anything else for this will direct the path you choose to take. Questions to ponder on in raising chickens are: Do you need them for a supply of fresh eggs? Do you need them for pest and weed control? Do you need them for fresh meat or their manure as fertilizers? Once you have the answers, you can begin your journey.… Continue reading

Building Backyard Chicken Coops – Tips to Design a Backyard Chicken Coop : chicken coops

A chicken coop is a shelter place for chickens. It is a safe retreat place where hens lay their eggs. There are different kinds of chicken coop designs and plans available in the market. However, there are certain factors to be considered while building a backyard chicken coop.

Before planning and designing a coop you need to focus on three essential points so that the coop is comfortable for chickens:-

Have 4.5 sq. ft. of space between each chicken
3 nests shared between 8 chickens
9 inches of perch length for each chicken

Once you have decided on this then… Continue reading

Backyard Chicken Coops – How Does Building Backyard Chicken Coops Change Your Lifestyle?

Spending a lot of money on organic chickens and eggs? Many people are choosing to build their own backyard chicken coops to save some money. The question, however, is how much will it actually effect your current lifestyle?

The answer is not much, if you are looking for just a few chickens that produce enough eggs for your family.

Building backyard chicken coops does not have to be complicated or expensive. If you take the time to decide exactly what you want and choose a good set of chicken coop plans, the time and money required to build it can… Continue reading

Backyard Chicken Coops – Why Even Have One and Do Backyard Chicken Coops Save You Money?

So? How much are you really going to save by finding one of those plans for backyard chicken coops and building it? All I can say is that after I ran the numbers, I didn’t hesitate at all. It really makes sense to do the little bit of work to care for chickens and build a chicken coop to save money and produce your own organic chickens and eggs.

The number of people seriously looking to build backyard chicken coops is increasing. More and more of us are wanting to save money, change our lifestyle to a greener one and… Continue reading