Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Let corporate leadership training begin from poultry farm : poultry house

Who should give wakeup call to the corporate and wake them up to reality? Who should accelerate speed of the corporate in tune with the speed of time?  Obviously, the leaders should do that. The question then would be who is that leader responsible for the above job?  A true leader never wait for others to endorse or testify him/her actions and never bother about what others are doing than about his/her own responsibilities and what they are suppose to do. 


Do such leaders exist in nature so that one can look at the example and… Continue reading

Raising Chickens in the City – How to Begin If You Are Interested to Start a Chicken Farm : chicken farm

If you’re interested in venturing on a small chicken farming home business, you can start by being a contract grower of a big supplier. Note that at this time, the key players of the poultry industry are already in place. Starting small by selling chicken eggs and meat to relatives, friends, and neighbors won’t do the trick. If you want to make it big, get into a relatively huge farm raising chickens in city and learn the mazes of the business by being a grower.

Established chicken farms can serve the needs of big food businesses and corporations. These farms… Continue reading