Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Top Ten Tips For Building Better Chicken Coop

Do you know designing and building a chicken coop is really a rewarding experience? By following these top ten tips, you can be assured that you will have a safe and healthy environment for your hens.

1. Ascertain the Chicken Coop Size

You should plan the size of the chicken coop well before designing it. You should know that smaller sized coops are better for a limited number of chickens. My advice is go for large sized house because the number of chickens will be increased in future due course (You can increase the number of chickens within few days… Continue reading

How is Organic Farming much better than the modern techniques?

Farming is one of the most common sources for income way back in the 18th and 19th centuries. If we go the country sides we would also find a lot of people practice agriculture even today. These people have plenty of land under cultivation. To add to this point they have several methods used varying from the crops that they cultivate. The modern day practices are much easier compared to the olden days. This could be based on the researches that are been undertaken by several people. There are a lot of people who experiment new practices in their own… Continue reading

Chicken Feeding for Better Health and How It Is Important When Raising Chickens : chickens eggs

Just like humans, chickens have different nutritional needs. They need it at different stages in their lives. To be able to thrive and experience optimal growth, chickens need proper chicken feeding. This way, they can gain more weight and produce plenty of eggs. The amount of food chickens eat varies depending on their age and the method with which they are fed. There are people who leave food for the chickens all day, allowing them to eat whenever they want. There are also some who give the feeds in specific amounts two or three times a day.

Chicken feeding is… Continue reading

Chicken Runs – Tips to Building a Better Chicken Run

Chicken runs are really essential for the health and happiness of all of your chickens. It will give them the chance to roam around, flap their wings and scratch about the place in a nice secure environment. Chicken runs are very easy to construct and they take just a couple of hours to build using basic materials. Below, I’ll outline some important things to consider when building a chicken run.

Space – It’s essential to give your chickens plenty of space to run about and scratch around in. About 5 feet for each chicken is fine, more is better of… Continue reading