Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


How to Build Your Own Chicken Coop Economically : plans for chicken coop

To get an idea of how much building a coop will cost, make a list of your need materials and canvass the prices of each. If you don’t, you may end up spending upwards of $ 300 for a chicken coop, and that can sound unrealistic considering the present economic conditions.

So, how can you lower construction costs?

Wood is the most commonly used material in building a chicken coop, but new lumber can be expensive, especially if you plan to build a coop to house more than 10 chickens. Obviously, you would want to find out if there are… Continue reading

How to Build a Chicken Coop – 3 Highly Effective Tips When it Comes to Chicken Coop Building

Learn how to build a chicken coop is very beneficial to learn and can easily serve you for many years to come. Not only will this skill teach you to how to raise a thriving flock but you will also be able to receive fresh eggs all year round. Here are 3 tips to get you started when it comes to building a chicken house.

1. Get the proper building plans

One of the first things you will need are the proper building plans as this will save you a significant amount of time and money. The right plans will… Continue reading

Things to Consider Before You Build Your Own Chicken Coop

If you are going raise only few heads of chickens then it is best to build your own chicken coop that is portable for added flexibility on your part. Movable coops are great for small numbers of chickens because it provides ease in transporting the hen house from one location to another. This is particularly beneficial in protecting the chickens from intense noon time and summer time heat; by allowing you to easily move the house to shaded areas in your property.

Noon time heat can build up inside the building; especially if the coop is under direct sunlight. However,… Continue reading

Tips to Consider Before You Build Your Own Chicken Coop

As you prepare to construct your very own chicken coop, there are a few factors you may want to consider to ensure that you make the safest, most secure place for your chickens so that they are able to lay eggs comfortably. It is a shame that many people overlook these construction tips, which usually results in reworking certain portions of the coop as changes have to be made. Given here some tips you should consider.

Watering Location

Your chickens must always have access to fresh water. The waterer must be large so that it lasts all day, and it… Continue reading

Build Chicken Coop Easily With These Tips

If you believe that it will take several weeks to build a chicken coop you are probably wrong. If this is the case then you should rethink this a little bit more. Following the right plans you can build chicken coop easily with these tips in just a few days or a couple weekends and experience great results while following these tips.

Three things to that you should consider to be able to build a chicken coop successfully.

1. Design The Complete Inside Prior to Construction:

To start with as you begin to build chicken coop is certainly spend some… Continue reading

Build a Chicken Coop – What You Need to Know

There are several different things you need to take into consideration when building a chicken coop. For starters, we want the chickens who will be living in it to be healthy. It’s also important that it look nice and be easy to clean.

I’m going to go over the different aspects that you need to think about when building a chicken coop. First, we’re going to go over the appearance of your chicken coop.

Although it’s really secondary to the health of my chickens, it’s important to me that my chicken coop looks nice. Who wants to have an eyesore… Continue reading

Why You Should Build a Mobile Chicken Coop? : chicken house

Building a mobile chicken coop is becoming a more common decision chicken farmers are making to house their chickens in and to get their supply of fresh eggs on a daily basis.

There are a number of different advantages to using a mobile chicken coop so keeping these advantages in mind will help ensure that you make the right decision on which type of house is right for you.

Here are the main ones to consider.

Reduced Building Costs

The first reason why you should think about choosing a mobile chicken house is because of the reduced cost of building.… Continue reading