Get A Leg Up When Choosing The Best Egg Layer Chickens
More and more Americans are choosing to raise their own flock of egg layer chickens. The reasons are great, and include a nutritious option for you and your family, as well as an opportunity to educate your family on the importance of livestock. Whatever reason you choose to raise a flock for egg production, consider some necessary facts before diving into this large project.
Another great reason to raise chickens that lay eggs is because of the nutritional value because eggs from chickens that are raised on organic chicken feed, or allowed to graze freely on natural grass produce eggs… Continue reading
Raising Chickens For Meat – Things You Need To Be Aware of When Choosing Chicken Breeds for Meat
In raising chickens for meat, you need to be aware that the breed of chickens to choose will be very crucial in terms of the quality of harvest. There are chickens known to lay the best eggs, there are chickens that produce high quality meat, and there are chickens that can do both. The breeds of chicken are genetically developed for several generations by the poultry industry in order to serve the purpose of each category of poultry production.
Mediterranean breed of chickens are the best species of birds if you’re investing in egg farming business instead of raising chickens… Continue reading
Chicken Coop Plans – Tips For Choosing the Best Chicken Coop Plans!
Safety is A key Component In Chicken Coop Plans!
Natural predators are a large factor in the construction of your coop. There are necessary precautions that, when taken, will ensure that your chickens will be safe. There are any number of predators, but the most common are dogs, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, lions, fisher cats, red-tailed hawks and bears.
The choice of chicken coop plans that you make should contain tips on how to protect your egg-producing chickens from the most common predators.
Just a few tips would be to embed your chicken wire at least 12″ below ground so no… Continue reading
Choosing the Best Breeds for Your Chicken Runs and Coops : chicken breeds
When you’re mixing and matching your chickens for your chicken runs and coops. You can check for size and temperament along with a few other traits. To do this it would be a great help if you checked a chart of over 60 breeds. The chart I found to be very helpful is Henderson’s chicken chart.
Henderson’s Chart
This chart covers over 60 breeds, variety, class and type, origin, color and egg production, skin color, brooding, and behavior. I would recommend checking this chart which can be found on the internet through Google. Because of all the information that can… Continue reading
Choose Carefully When Choosing Good Egg Layer Chicken Breeds
Because of the wide variety of chickens available to raise, it is necessary to establish exactly what you want to use your chickens for. People all over the word raise flocks for meat and egg production, or for as pets and to show in competitions. If you’re looking for good egg layer chicken breeds, there are a few things to consider.
Firstly, all chickens lay eggs. However, not all chickens are considered productive egg layers. Along those lines, some chickens are good egg layers, but do not have the mild temperament necessary for raising small flocks in your backyard. If… Continue reading
Chicken Coop Plans – Tips For Choosing the Best Chicken Coop Plans For You
Searching for chicken coop plans online will give you hundreds if not thousands of options for ways to build your chicken coop. To help you choose wisely, I’ve outlined below some things you need to know to help you pick the best chicken coop plans for you.
Size – Make sure it’s big enough. Generally speaking, each chicken should be given about 4 square feet. So if you’re planning on keeping 5 chickens than you need your chicken coop to be around 20 square feet or more to keep those chickens happy and laying. Anything smaller will lead to problems… Continue reading
Top Tips For Choosing Plans For Chicken Coops
There are many things to think about when you are choosing chicken coop plans and if you are just starting out you might find it difficult to know which design features are important. In this article I will outline for you the three features I think are most important for keeping your chickens warm, safe and content. Make sure these are all included in your chicken coop plans and you won’t go far wrong.
Provide Plenty Of Space
In order for your birds to be happy as well as productive, you need to allow plenty of space for them inside… Continue reading