Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


A Clean Chicken Coop -The Secret To Happy Chickens

Raising your own chickens can be a lot of fun. If you get started the right way it is actually quite simple as well

Occasionally you will need a clean chicken coop. This means you will have to clean it, but it will mean happy chickens, an easier time for you and better overall results.

Keeping a chicken coop clean doesn’t have to be a dirty, thankless onerous chore, full of drudgery, but it is a necessary chore, and you only need to do it about twice per year.

A well designed chicken coop will allow for easy twice a… Continue reading

3 Easy Steps For How To Clean A Chicken Coop : poultry coops

All across the land people are building chicken coops and raising chickens in their backyards. Whether it is as a hobby, for fresh eggs or its being set up as a business to sell those eggs and poultry meat. One thing everyone agrees on, we all need to know how to clean a chicken coop.

Your chickens will stay healthier longer living in well maintained environment. A clean hen house not only makes your chickens happy, but you will feel better for having cleaned it.

Like all kept animals—your flock will be counting on you to remove the dirt and… Continue reading