Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Getting Ideas To Use In Chicken Coop Plans

There are thousands of plans, designs, and ideas used in building chicken coops. They may range from fancier double-tiered structures to a humbler dwelling surrounded by a few feet of chicken wire. If you”re thinking about how to properly initiate Chicken Coop Plans, and before indulging in too much time and a fortune setting up a costly coop, learn how to build chicken coops the easy way then you can enjoy the fruits of your labor sooner than you thought.

Chickens are not demanding critters. Their needs are pretty basic. First they need a neat warm place to live in… Continue reading

Simple Chicken Coop Plans – As Easy As 1, 2, 3

I’ve been asked this question nearly every single day recently: “Are there really any plans that are easy for me to follow and of good quality?” – The answer is a resounding “Yes!” There is an opportunity out there for you that come in the forms of directions, steps, and pictures. You can create your own chicken coop easily and effectively starting today!

Yes, building a chicken coop plan can be as simple as 1, 2, 3 – however, you would not think that with all the bad information that is out there on the internet. The great thing is… Continue reading

Choosing The Good Chicken Coop Plans From The Internet : plans for chicken coop

There are countless Chicken Coop Plans to choose from on the Internet. How do you know what to search for? What things should be avoided? What are the essential things to remember? The fact is, most blueprints are cheap, ineffective, and will probably cost you a significant amount of money in the long run due to extra supplies and unplanned maintenance costs. Remember to keep track of these four important things in designing your very own chicken coop. These tips will help you make a better design.

Easy cleaning is top priority. The chicken coop should be easy to keep… Continue reading

Basic Considerations When Making Chicken Coop Construction Plans

If you plan to raise chickens, you need to have a basic idea about how to make a chicken coop construction plan. A coop serves a shelter to the chickens and a place where they can lay their eggs.

While some prefer to have professionals build their chicken coop, it can be rather expensive. Building a coop is easy to make and less expensive but you need to lay down a construction plan.
The type of chicken coop to build will always depend on several factors to consider. Foremost is making sure that you provide your chicken a… Continue reading

1-2-3 Simple Chicken Coop Plans

If you are the average Joe then you’ve got about as much experience building a Chicken Coop as I do and so you probably need some really Simple Chicken Coop Plans. Well I Found some for us and I think you’ll appreciate the simplicity and step by step approach in this Great E-book on “Building a Chicken Coop” by Bill Keene let me take you through some of the contents…

Last year was my first year raising meat chickens in my backyard and I sure could have used this book back then. My sons and I just put together a… Continue reading

Benefits of Owning a Portable Chicken Coop House

Why You Should Choose The Portable Chicken Coop

Now that more and more people are seeing the benefit of having chickens around the yard. There is nothing better then some fresh eggs that you know are better for you and your family then what you may have been purchasing at the store. But there is more to having chickens then just having fun eating the fresh eggs, there is some work and upkeep to tend to. One of the most important things in raising chickens is to make sure that they have a safe and secure portable chicken coop.

While… Continue reading

For An Easy To Build Chicken Coop – Use Easy To Build Plans

You want an easy to build chicken coop, Right?

Well, you aren’t alone. All over the world people have embraced backyard chicken farming as an interesting and fun hobby and with good reason; folks are tired of eggs and poultry products tainted with growth hormones, antibiotics, E. coli and salmonella.

To avoid these dangers raising your own chickens allows you your own food supply. What a concept– a fresh, clean food supply within steps of your backdoor.

Raising your own gives you the advantage and knowledge of knowing where your food is coming from, how fresh and how pure it… Continue reading