Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Easter Eggs

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

The older I get, the less current holidays mean to me… and the more those from years, even decades ago. I see the vivid Easter displays; (these days pharmacies seem to have the most and largest.) But these festive aisles and windows, the bags of candy, and, of course, the seasonal cuddlies do not speak to me. They merely mark the calendar as just another day.

That was not always the case, but years and unrelenting death have so thinned the ranks of the significant players in these annual rites that the dead now significantly outnumber… Continue reading

Make Money By Knowing How To Pick Eggs For Hatching

Nowadays, raising chickens has become a popular hobby, as its meat is an ideal alternative for pork and beef. Not only this, but more and more people are also going into the poultry business. This is not very surprising considering that it only takes hard work and patience to succeed at this kind of venture. Well that, and three other things namely: a.) a viable batch of eggs for hatching; b.) a reliable incubator; and c.) a working knowledge of poultry incubation.

Selecting your very first batch of eggs for hatching is exciting, almost like picking out your first puppy… Continue reading

Chicken Rearing, The Basics ? How Not to Bring up Chickens : chickens eggs

Raising Chickens for the primary time might be intimidating. After I first referred to as the Feed Shop, I was making an attempt to sound like a pro. I asked, “Do you sell pullets?” “Sure”, the man replied. “Are they all females?” It’s been an uphill battle ever since.

Pullet parenthood is an a lot of an journey as little one rearing, only with more feces per pound of body weight. However, I’ve been studying quite a bit on poultry matters. (Sure, my coolness simply turned over in its grave.) So if I am correct and I’m quite certain I’m… Continue reading

Getting Your Own Backyard Chicken Coop And Raising Chickens For Meat And Eggs: A wonderful household activity

So you want to start your own chicken coop and are wondering how or where to start. Do not worry, as this write up is intended to solely support you with your predicament.
The very best way to start your chicken farm would be to get young chicks, so you are able to watch how they grow which is vital if you are a 1st time farmer. You do not need to go to each single hatchery in order to come across the most effective chicks for the reason that it’s also possible to order on the web from a… Continue reading

Raising Chickens For Fun Or Profit? Chicken Coop Plans Made Simple! : chickens eggs

So you decided to raise chickens in your backyard, great decision! Now the question is how are you going to get your chickens? Are you going to buy them as chicks and raise them to adults or are you going to buy fertile eggs and hatch them yourself? Also what kind of housing will you choose for them? Or will you build your own chicken coop?

If you are going to raise the chicken from a fertile egg you will need to find a source that has high quality eggs and you will also need to get an incubator, ideally… Continue reading

Raising Chickens in the Summer and Winter : chickens eggs

Even though it seems like chickens are fragile creatures, they have certain characteristics that can let them survive through whatever weather may come. But you have to take note that not all chickens are alike.  While some can withstand winters, others preferred to sun bathe during summer sunshine. It will all depend on the weather that you have when you decide to purchase the right kind of chicken so as not to waste money and time raising them and just have them end up in a chicken graveyard.

In the winter it is important not to overheat your chickens.… Continue reading

Problems that can occur when hatching eggs

There are lots of things that can go wrong when hatching eggs and the first thing to consider is that not all of your eggs will be fertile from the beginning. Always purchase from a reputable breeder to ensure you receive your eggs in good condition and that they are the freshest they can be. Never be tempted to keep eggs after 10 days as the chance of them hatching is low and remember that there is no way of knowing if an egg is fertile or not and for this reason, you will not have a 100% success rate.… Continue reading