Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Off the Grid Farming – Cistern and Irrigation Tricks : chicken farming

Setting up a solar powered, off the grid, irrigation system is a wonderful way to water your garden. Many folks just wait for the rain if they are far from the power lines; but with the right know how and a little hard work you can set up a self sufficient irrigation system.

First of all, make sure to own the land before making this huge improvement. If you do not own land yet, now is a great time to buy. Look into buying tax lien properties, tax foreclosure properties, or using any means you can to get a bargain… Continue reading

5 Tips For Farming Gold in World of Warcraft

There are many ways to farm gold in World of Warcraft, but many people still find it hard to earn enough and are more inclined to buy gold in the real world. Admittedly, farming fold is a gaming skill that comes with experience and learning. I do not buy gold, but I did spend quite some time in advancing gold making skills in my first year and I managed to make quite a few characters across different servers. I was even able to trade epic flyers for five characters just in my year one.

If you are just starting out… Continue reading

Farming Expired Listings Using Real Estate Letters

As an agent, your revenues are generated through successful completion of transactions. Occasionally, no matter how diligently you work to sell a property you have listed, the seller may either decide to take it off the market or to list with another professional. While you may consider this a lost opportunity, the most successful professionals within the industry work to market their expired listings as well as the expired listings of other agents using real estate letters.

Drip Marketing

Real estate letters serve a variety of purposes for your business. They can allow your business’s name to stay in front… Continue reading

Secret World of Warcraft Gold Farming Tip – Play the Auction House Market

Farming for gold isn’t much fun and if you are having a hard time then here is great World of Warcraft gold farming tip that will really help you out. Although this concept of making wow gold has been around since the beginning of capitalism itself, there are few strategies you can use to maximize your profits and apply it to World of Warcraft.

Well the concept of the strategy is simple, buy low and sell high, but implementing it can be quite some challenge without knowing the secrets that the elite players are using. Just like the American stock… Continue reading

Organic Farming 101 – From Crop Rotation to Organic Fertilizers : chicken farming

Organic has become a trendy word we see applied to many foods these days. Trendy or not, farmers side by side with researchers are leading the way in organic farming. The definition of organic is “natural”. The word “natural” is invaluable when it represents preserving our environment in relation to fertilizers and farming. Large parcels of land are used everyday in this country to feed millions of individuals. The millions of individuals being fed by means of farming reside not only in this country, but in countries all over the world.

Globally, farming communities have been concerned extensively with chemical… Continue reading

Warcraft Leveling – Leveling and Farming As a Rogue

When it comes to leveling a rogue, or farming as one, combat spec is best. You can find a number of combat specs easily with a quick Google search, but I’ll present my personal favorite in my next article. Still, just because you are specced right doesn’t mean you are playing right, so in this article I’ll explain how to play a combat rogue effectively for leveling or farming.

First, a few ground rules.

1.ALWAYS KEEP SLICE AND DICE UP. Seriously, WAY too many Rogues ignore this. Slice and Dice is worth more DPS than anything else you could be… Continue reading

WOTLK Gold Farming Tips of a Mining Mage

As one of the gathering professions, mining has always been a good gold farming profession in World of Warcraft, even more so now with the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Even though I play a Mage, I have held on to my mining profession – even though there are better gathering and crafting professions that are better suited to my class of character, such as Herbalism and Alchemy. But I’ve always found mining to be too lucrative to ditch, now I’ve reached level 80 and achieved the level of Grandmaster at mining.
Having maxed out my mining… Continue reading