The Key Elements For A Good Chicken Shelter
A good chicken shelter is one that properly house’s your chickens, giving them a home safe from predators, rain, wind, sleet, snow, excessive cold and heat, with features chickens prefer.
Unlike a shed or doghouse there are certain ‘must-have’ elements that will make or break a hen-house. Like well-designed perches (roosting areas), nesting boxes, and water and feed systems plus adequate space for each bird.
You need to know about those elements are before you begin building the coop.
Different re-cycled materials can form a backyard chicken shelter, which is a great way to use up stuff that would have… Continue reading
A shelter for your chickens- chicken coop
To give chickens, a healthy environment it is very important to keep them in safe and hygienic place, because all are of the opinion that the health of their chicken indirectly affects their own health. And it is true also. Chicken also likes to live in proper, comfortable and ventilated condition. And it becomes even more important if you have a chicken farm or a large number of chickens. To keep chickens in an open area can be quite harmful.
As a novice you should start rearing chickens with small number may be 2 or 3. Rearing chickens at… Continue reading