Learn How To Raise Your Own Chickens


Home Chicken Coop – Some Practical Advice For Raising Healthy Chickens

If you want to construct a home chicken coop, you are likely looking to start your own chicken flock. A flock consists of two or more chickens in a given area. You can start your flock with eggs or live chicks. Both are good options. For the absolute beginner, it is a good idea to start with live chicks and avoid the brooder stage. For chicks less than a week old, heat is enormously important. They do not have the ability to regulate their own body temperature yet. Keep them in an enclosed space with a heat source that keeps… Continue reading

Some Good Ideas For Building A Hen House

Besides making their own homes, the humans are also aware of the need to built proper shelters for their pets and farm animals. A chicken is a modern innovation that provides shelter to the chickens at the backyards of our houses.

The western farmers are involved in making modern shelters for the chickens and this is an important activity. Humans now a days are concerned about the living arrangement of these chickens. They are treated same as the dogs. Eggs produced by chickens form a revenue asset for us. In the US and most western countries chicken is a farming… Continue reading

Building A Hen House: Some Important Considerations

Having a hen house allows your chickens to have a place to stay at night and during bad weather as well as have nesting boxes for their eggs. Different ideas on building a hen house are available depending on the type of house you want to build. It is important to consider the number of hens that you have when planning a house for your poultry since you want to prevent overcrowding the chickens, which can cause fights and reduced production of eggs. You should as well build a nesting box for every five hens so that they have plenty… Continue reading